Developing confident, respectful
and successful young people
Developing confident, respectful and successful young people
Student Area
Research shows that homework can make a really big difference to your independence and achievement and we believe homework should be used to reinforce or extend what you learn in school. We expect every student to undertake homework to the best of their ability and we hope that you will feel a sense of personal satisfaction after completing tasks and from the house points and recognition you gain as a result of this effort.
Everyone will find homework challenging at some point in their school career and although that challenge may sometimes be a good thing as it’s challenging you to think hard, if it ever feels like too much of a struggle, teachers and learning mentors are here to listen and help.
How much homework will I get?
You should complete one to two homework activities each school day and should plan your time throughout the week to ensure you complete all tasks in plenty of time for submission.
How should I organise and record my homework?
The vast majority of students prefer to use online platforms to manage learning outside the classroom. All homework is set using our student portal Bromcom so you and parents can easily see what has been set and access any necessary resources. If you need extra support with organisation or if access to Bromcom is difficult, please speak to your teacher, tutor or learning mentor.
What is the school’s policy towards generative artificial intelligence (AI)?
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now widespread and easy to access and Wellsway School recognises that whilst AI has many uses to help pupils learn, it may also lend itself to cheating and plagiarism. To help clarify this for students and parent/ carers, please note that students may use AI tools as a research tool to help them find out about new topics and ideas, but all AI-generated content must be properly attributed.
Students may not use AI tools:
Wellsway considers any unattributed use of AI-generated text or imagery to be plagiarism. We use appropriate opportunities such as the pastoral programme to inform students about the opportunities and dangers of using AI and students are given specific information about this prior to to public examinations or non-examined assessments.
Our library is available for students to work in at break and lunch time as well as after school until 4pm. If you have any problems, please email
As a school, we are totally committed to ensuring our school community is a safe place to learn and work in we take our responsibility to protect and safeguard your welfare extremely seriously. We will listen to and take your concerns seriously and have a number of specialist staff who work to support you. These include our Heads of House, Learning Mentors, Inclusion Team and school nurse. If you are worried about anything, you may feel more comfortable speaking to your tutor, learning mentor or Head of House, but any member of staff is there to help.
There are many forums for you to discuss and raise issues around safety and wellbeing, such as the Student Wellbeing Group and The School Council and we urge you to make your voice heard by contributing to such groups.
Both students’ physical and mental wellbeing are priorities for us as a school, and we are fortunate to have a wide range of expertise and experience amongst our staff working in Student Support. Part of that support offer is our health and first aid provision, with regular drop in sessions being run during lunchtimes that students can either self-refer to or be referred to by staff.
We have a number of first aiders trained on site and a Student Welfare Officer who are available to offer both immediate medical care as well as working with families and the school to create medical and health support plans. All staff have training around first aid, diabetes and epi-pens and bespoke training and support is offered as required.
Parents are also able to access the school nurse service from Bath and North East Somerset Community Health and Care Services via
How can you see or contact the School Nurse (pdf)
The following links and guides may help you with issues or concerns you may have:
What bullying is (and isn't!)
All three things have to happen together to be called bullying.
Bullying is not:
If you are being bullied, talk to your Head of House or Learning Mentor. Arrangements can be made for you to speak to a member of staff without making other students aware that this is being done. The sooner we know about a problem the quicker we are able to put in place appropriate intervention for all students involved and prevent bullying happening.
In order to grow as a person, it's important to get involved in a wide range of experiences and actively pursue a variety of positive interests. We believe that by doing this, you will not only increase your chances of discoing an interest you may pursue in later life, but also gain a deeper understanding of yourself and develop essential skills such as how to:
Our extra-curricular programme will help you to grow into a confident and mature young person who is ready to cope with challenge.
Our clubs and activities for 2022-23
We have over a hundred students learning an instrument, or taking singing lessons, at Wellsway. Lessons take place throughout the school day on a rotating basis. We encourage all students who learn an instrument to take part in a weekly extra-curricular activity such as our orchestra, Year 7 music makers or choir. We use West of England Music Alliance (WEMA) as our provider of instrumental and singing teachers. This means that you will be directly invoiced for lessons via WEMA. Students can sign up for shared lessons or individual lessons of varying lengths. Please be aware that it is not always possible to facilitate shared lessons but we'll do our best! You can hire instruments from WEMA. If your child receives free school meals, they are entitled to free instrumental/singing lessons - simply tick the box when asked on the form, we will then confirm this is correct. Students can learn the following instruments, violin, piano, flute, clarinet, sax, trumpet, trombone, tuba, drum kit, bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar and singing lessons.
At Wellsway School we make every effort to ensure that candidates receive the best possible preparation for their exams, that administrative arrangements run smoothly and that exams are conducted in a way that avoids stress and helps students achieve their best.
The links below will provide information about internal and external exams. We hope this information will help answer the most frequently asked questions as well as guiding and supporting students and parents/carers through the exams process. If students need further information, they are welcome to visit the exams office. We are available before school, at break, lunchtime, or after school.
The Exams Office is located in the Lansdown building opposite room L15. The Exams Office staff are:
Internal Exams
At Wellsway School, Internal Exams for years 10 and 11 take place in the main exam halls and are conducted in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Joint Council for Qualifications.
External invigilators are employed to supervise the internal exams ensuring students receive the best possible preparation for the formal public exams they will sit in years 11 and 13.
Mock exam dates 2024/25 (please note all of these dates are subject to change)
Year 11 11/11/2024 - 20/11/2024
Year 13 06/01/2025 - 10/01/2025
Year 11 27/02/2025 - 07/03/2025
Year 10 24/04/2025 - 02/05/2025
Year 12 19/06/2025 - 27/06/2025
January 2025 Vocational exams and Year 13 Mocks
Please click here to view the year 13 mock exam timetable
Please click here to view the vocational exam timetable
Revision and Support
Information for Candidates
Exam Policies
The following exam policies and procedures are available on request from the school's exam office:
Revision is fundamental to successful exam preparation and achievement. Different people revise in different ways, but everyone needs to find a way of going back over previous learning to ensure it sticks so that it can be reproduced in a test or exam. Here's our advice on how make the most of your revision time.
The first and most important thing that any student – and their family – can do is ensure that there is a positive habit around study and learning at home. Try to have a dedicated area for revision and learning and get into the habit of organising materials and revision notes as you study topics rather than leaving it all to the last minute. If you regard learning as something that only happens at school then you will not have the success you want – it's as simple as that.
Revision support materials, presentations from parent information evenings and student assemblies can be found below:
Challenge Programme at Wellsway School
At Wellsway, we believe all students of all abilities need to be appropriately challenged and stretched to make the best progress possible. Wellsway School’s Challenge Programme has been designed for more able students in particular, to provide opportunities that develop problem solving, independence and subject-based skills in order to support them in excelling in their learning.
The programme is delivered both in-class and through extension activities:
To enhance the provision for more able students at Wellsway School through extra-curricular activities.
To give students the skills and motivation to extend their learning beyond the curriculum.
To inspire them to be ambitious and support them in achieving their ambitions – give them the necessary skills and experience for success at most competitive destinations.
The Challenge Programme is inclusive and open to all pupils
The activities on offer depend on the age of the student.
At KS3 (Yr7-9) we encourage love of learning through fun activities.
At KS4 we focus on developing the skills needed for academic success and encouraging high aspirations.
In KS5 we support pupils to reach their ambitious goals and prepare them for their future.
KS3 (Year 7-9)
Termly fun after-school Subject Sessions to encourage pupils to look beyond the curriculum. The following events are currently planned, more may be added:
Term 2: Tue 21/11/23 Science of Earthquakes
Term 3: Tue 30/01/24 Humanities
Term 4: Tue 19/03/24 English
Term 6: Tue 11/06/24 Math Team Challenge
Term 6: Tue 18/06/24 DT
3 Activity Sessions each year during school hours develop the skills needed for self-challenge
KS4 (Year 10-11)
KS5 (Year 12-13)
The aims of the Student Leadership are:
The School Council meets regularly and discusses a range of possible and practical improvements for the school in general. Issues and concerns raised by pupils go through their Tutor Group Representatives (who have been duly elected).
Minutes are taken at the meeting and circulated to all parties.
Please click on this link to review the leadership opportunities to all students
The House system
Students are placed in one of our four houses that are named after local villages: Burnett, Compton, Newton, and Stanton.
Burnett – Purple
Compton – Blue
Newton – Orange
Stanton - Red
Each house has a Head of House, who is an experienced teacher. A Learning Mentor is also allocated to each house and their role is to support students and work closely with parents and carers.
A series of "House events" are organised throughout the school year, fostering a spirit of friendly rivalry and allowing our students to develop a sense of pride in working for others as well as for themselves. House points are awarded based on participation at these events and also recognise students whose behaviours support the school ethos, such as helping staff at whole-school events, leading tours of the school for visitors, or simply trying hard in the classroom.
Students in each tutor group can be elected by their fellow tutees to be the tutor group representative on the year group and House Council. Students in Year 11 may also nominate themselves to run for "House Leader". Both prestigious leadership roles involve students in the organisation of the school and motivates them to lead by example. As representatives of their house these student leaders work collaboratively and constructively with teachers and classmates to continue the strong and close community which characterises our school.
The Tutoring system
At Wellsway our tutor groups are organised using a horizontal tutoring model; meaning that students are placed in tutor groups with children in the same year group as themselves. Each house contains two tutor groups from each year group, 7-13. We find that our tutoring model complements the vertical house system nicely: within their tutor group students can develop strong relationships with their peers as well as their tutor, who becomes the first point of contact for parents and carers, but also students can develop a sense of ‘belonging’ within the whole-school community.
Tutor sessions provide the opportunity for regular routines to support students in developing their organisation, punctuality and independence, as well as creating a number of opportunities for student leadership. All tutor groups follow a carefully planned tutor programme which is designed to support all students, this includes:
• Weekly assemblies
• Structured age appropriate PSHE sessions
• Structured LORIC sessions to develop Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication
• Personal and academic mentoring
• Weekly quiz
Pastoral care, support and guidance is extremely important to us at Wellsway School and we pride ourselves on the work that we do in order to ensure that all children feel safe and happy in their school.
Wellsway School library provides a central resource of materials for all students, which will stimulate interest in reading, viewing and using information and ideas. This will enable students of all abilities to think, discover, reflect and pursue. The library will endeavour to provide opportunities to inspire students to develop a love of reading in order that they can reap all the benefits this can bring, including improved wellbeing and better empathy for others.
The library, working with other school staff and across all curriculum teams, will strive to ensure students are effective users of ideas and information, to foster students’ skills to become lifelong learners, in our ever changing world. The library will encourage parents and carers to instil an appreciation of reading and of the power of information when it can be interpreted and understood.
About the library
Opening times: our usual opening times are 8.45am-4.00pm Monday to Thursday. We hold a large stock of both fiction and non-fiction to encourage you to explore all genres’ that may interest you. We also have a bank of computers for you to use to complete homework. When you join the school you will be given your own borrowing account so you can choose from our vast array of book titles and genres.
The library runs initiatives to support literacy across the curriculum, including: book of the month, book related events such as a Harry Potter evening, Book Buzz celebrations and Book Club. If you want to get more involved in activities such as becoming a Library Helper, speak to the Librarian Mrs Youle, email
Book Club
This is run once a week at lunch time. You can come along and be with likeminded students to develop your love of literature. It’s a chance to take part in lively discussions about what you have been reading and see what other people are enjoying and recommending.
As well as this we take part in the local Centurion reading scheme, which involves schools from across the B&NES area and the national reading scheme, Carnegie, where we shadow along with schools from across the country new and exciting reads. Through these initiatives, we look to expand your reading experience and develop your love of books further.
Email the Librarian, Mrs Youle, if you would like to get involved,
The Library Catalogue
Please click on this link for instructions on how to use our online catalogue, and resources you may find useful. The library catalogue (Pdf)
English Novels: Reading Mountains for years 7-9
If you enjoyed your novel in English here are other novels, you may well enjoy:
Recommended Reading Lists
If you are in Year 7 and 8 and are looking for different genre ideas, have a look at these recommended book lists, which have been created below and are regularly updated.
If you are in Years 9, 10 or 11 and looking for different genre ideas, have a look at these recommended book lists which have been created and regularly updated.
RM Unify
Most of our systems can now be accessed via RM Unify. Just log in using your school user name and password.
Email is based online using Office 365. Access it by clicking on the Mail tile in RM Unify.
You can view your school files at any time even from home using Foldr. Just click on Foldr tile in RM Unify and login with your school username and password.
To access Bromcom click on the tile in RM Unify and login with your school username and password.