Developing confident, respectful
and successful young people

T 0117 986 4751

Developing confident, respectful and successful young people

T 0117 986 4751
Our school

Our school

Welcome to Wellsway

Welcome to Wellsway

We are dedicated to supporting and encouraging our students, and giving them the tools and the confidence to explore what life and the world have to offer. The five years-plus that our students spend with us will be the foundation on which they build their futures and we strive to deliver an education that is world class in every respect. We are delighted with our recent results, which put us among the top-performing schools in the region, and pleased with our last Ofsted report in which we were judged to be ‘Good’.

Receiving Ofsted's seal of approval is gratifying but we remain very ambitious for our school and the students who learn at Wellsway. We are focused on building on our achievements and raising our standards still higher. We are working hard to ensure we remain prepared for changing curriculum demands, to innovate in our teaching and to improve the experience for our students wherever we can.

As well as having high expectations of our staff and students, we also look for commitment from parents, families and carers. We hope that you will support our school’s pursuit of excellence. We want you to join us in a dynamic partnership that puts young people and their success and wellbeing at the centre of everything we do.

But, as well as being rigorous and demanding, inspiring and challenging, I firmly believe that school should also be fun – a place where the activities, teaching and facilities foster enthusiasm, enjoyment and strong relationships. Happiness and success at school are closely related, and our results, and particularly the findings of Ofsted, are evidence of a culture that is strong on challenge but also strong on support.

We are very proud of Wellsway, both for our results and for the quality of the school experience we provide. I know our staff and students share that pride and I'm sure, when you come to visit us, you'll be able to see why.

I look forward to meeting you.

Rob Pearsall

Headteacher and Executive Head of School

Our school

Our school

Wellsway is a high-performing school set on the east side of Keynsham, eight miles north west of Bath. As an established academy, we are proud to provide exceptional educational opportunities for students aged 11-18 within a culture of high expectations and high support.

The majority of our students are able to walk or cycle to school. A significant number of young people also join us from the neighbouring local authorities of South Gloucestershire and Bristol.

Wherever our children and young people come from, we are pleased to provide a distinctive, broad and rigorous educational experience that allows them to learn in a calm and well-ordered community, and prepares them to take on the challenges of adult life.

Local Governance Committee (LGC)

Local Governance Committee (LGC)

Mr D Aldridge: Community Governor
Term of office: 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2026

Mrs C Britton: Parent Governor
Term of office:
 6 January 2023 - 5 January 2027

Ms D Drury:  Chair of Governors and Community Governor
Term of office: 2 February 2018 - 1 February 2026

Dan Forster: Community Governor
Term of office: 10 March 2023 - 9 March 2027

Dr J Lowe: Community Governor
Term of Office: 13 January 2023 - 12 January 2027

Mr S Parsons: Community Governor and Vice Chair
Term of office: 2 February 2018 - 1 February 2026

Mr R Pearsall: Headteacher 
Term of office: Ex officio

Ms Wharf: Staff Governor
Term of office: 28 September 2022 - 27 September 2026

Mrs H Woods: Parent Governor
Term of Office: 6 January 2023 - 5 January 2027

Recently resigned

With our sincere thanks for their service.

Mr D Biddleston
Term of office: 13 May 2016 - 11 June 2024

To contact the Chair of Governors please email the school office: FAO the Clerk to the Governors.

More information

Vision and values

Vision and values

“Developing confident, respectful and successful young people.”

Our vision is for Wellsway School to be an outstanding school at the heart of our Multi Academy Trust and wider community.

Our values of confidence, respect and success provide a firm foundation on which to achieve our vision:

  • Confidence – a major component of confidence is the value you place in yourself. Confidence is about the faith you have in your abilities, the person you are. This self-belief is crucial if we are to achieve our potential. We must reflect on and celebrate successes. We challenge students to want to fulfil their potential and respond proactively and positively to feedback so that they take responsibility for their own next steps so that they meet their personal best. Students often surprise us with their talent or skill which they possess but don’t openly share. We want students to have confidence to share with others and to feel a sense of pride in their own achievements.
  • Respect - is far reaching - respect of self, of others, of the environment and of our world are key to building and growing a harmonious school and society. From the words we choose to use, to the care we take of the equipment, from the resolve to be inclusive and challenging in the face of discrimination to the emphasis on responsibility, team work, tolerance and friendship, we believe our focus on respect is essential in the interdependent world of the 21st Century. 
  • Success – does not come easy, but it will come, not only in our academic work but in all aspects of life; creative, artistic, or sporting when we have resilience; and keep going even when things are difficult; when we have determination and a ‘can-do’ attitude to the tasks we are presented with; and when we make the most of every opportunity that we are offered.

Our school moto is Futura Aedificamus, which means we build for the future. Working closely with our partners within Futura Learning Partnership, staff, governors, parents and students we are building futures…together.

Building friendships

We want our students to enjoy every aspect of their time at Wellsway and building strong and lasting friendships is an important part of every students’ journey through school. We are proud of how our pastoral system develops students’ confidence, resilience and life skills – from a dedicated Key Stage 2 to 3 Transition team to a tutor programme that includes a strong buddy system to integrate all students into the tutor group and a focus on teambuilding activities.

Building partnerships

Joining Wellsway also means joining a strong community and we firmly believe in the importance of building partnerships with businesses and the local community to provide opportunities for students to benefit from these links. We are also committed to building partnerships across year groups, such as Sixth Form Officers leading clubs for younger year groups, peer to peer mentoring, Sports Ambassadors and our strong House Leader programme. Being part of Futura Learning Partnership provides a unique opportunity for our students to benefit from partnerships we have built across schools, for example developing key leadership skills in running workshops for primary school students and for our teachers to share and learn from one another to constantly provide the best possible education for our students.

Building futures

Every young person deserves to leave school fully equipped to go on to lead a happy and successful life and we are committed to supporting all students on that journey, regardless of their individual needs and abilities. We want students to make the best possible progress in their subjects to allow them a wide choice of options when they move on from Wellsway School and we have a dedicated team of staff to guide them through each stage of their school career to support them in making these choices, whether that be guidance and motivation from the Competitive Courses Group for students who should be aiming for the most competitive destinations or support from our careers team in making successful applications to apprenticeships. The wide range of experiences we guarantee through both curricular and extra-curricular opportunities ensures that whatever a students’ destination, they leave Wellsway equipped with the skills and character traits necessary to make this transition with confidence and success.

We hope that this website gives you a flavour of some of what have on offer. We are rightly proud of the school community at Wellsway School. I know our staff and students share that pride and I'm sure, when you come and visit us, you'll be able to see why.

Rob Pearsall

Headteacher and Executive Head of School

How Wellsway School promotes British values

How Wellsway School promotes British values

The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy. At Wellsway School these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:


Democracy is widespread within the school. Students engage positively with the realities of life in a democracy, and understand and appreciate the history, heritage and wide ranging cultural influences that underpin our individual and shared experience of life in modern Britain.

The school has a system of House Councils, which meet on a termly basis. The house council meetings provide a forum for students to discuss issues relevant to their experience of school life and to engage in projects to improve the learning culture, the school environment and support charity. Each Tutor Group elects one representative for the House Council.

The House Council's has made a number of significant improvements to the school including uniform and behaviour policy reviews, bike shelter and outside seating provision and approaches to us being a more environmentally friendly school.

Through assembly and tutor time programme, students have the opportunity to debate and discuss current affair topics that cover links to democracy.

The rule of Law

The importance of the rule of law, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Students are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.

Students recognise the difference between right and wrong, understand that actions have consequences, and apply this in their own lives by respecting English civil and criminal law. Visits from authorities such as the police are used to reinforce tolerance and respect. In addition Religious Studies and PSHE respectively deliver activities on ‘crime and punishment’ and ‘drug and alcohol awareness’ in KS3 to reinforce the belief in personal and social responsibility and respect for British institutions.

Individual liberty

Within school, students are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for students to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering education. Students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through E-Safety and PSHE.

Students are given the freedom to make choices whether it is through choice of challenge or participation in extensive extra-curricular clubs and opportunities. They have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves and others, and the world around them, and participate actively in artistic, sporting or cultural activities.

Students make choices relating to the KS4 and KS5 curriculum that they wish to follow. Students have individual meetings with a member of the senior leadership team e.g. during year 9 GCSE interviews, year 11 sixth form interviews.

Mutual respect and tolerance

Our approach to school assemblies and behaviour is to have a values led approach. ‘Respect’ is an important value of the school’s code with all members of the school community treating each other with respect. Students have been part of discussions and assemblies related to what this means and how it is shown e.g. through our Them and Us campaigns which encourage our students to take part in community action to make our school and wider community a more respectful and tolerant place to be. Students also are mindful of other students within their classes whom are also demonstrating such values. Mutual respect is an integrated part of classroom behaviour, as well as our whole school approach to behaviour.

Through Humanities lessons students are reflective about their own beliefs and perspectives on life, and the extent to which they are the same as/different to others’ faith, feelings and values. Students are encouraged to show an interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and appreciate the viewpoints of others. The school’s curriculum provides opportunities to openly tackle controversial issues and challenge misconceptions. Students have the opportunity to visit places of significant cultural interest and places of worship. In addition we actively encourage visitors from a range of communities and organisations into the school.

The school promotes an environment where all students work and socialise with students from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, co-operating well, celebrating diversity and resolving conflicts effectively. Ethnic minorities are included in all aspects of the school e.g. leadership roles, sport, drama, music etc.



Places for September

This page provides information for parents/carers considering making an application for a child transferring from primary school in September. If you are considering making an application at any other time please read the In Year section below or for more information please contact us.

The timeline for allocating Year 7 places at Wellsway is determined by the Local Authority and is explained in A Secondary School for your Child in Bath & North East Somerset booklet which is issued to all parents/carers with a child in the final year of primary school in the B&NES area.

While parents have the right to choose a preferred school, the number of places available at that school may limit the choice. Usually Wellsway School is over-subscribed and therefore places are allocated strictly in line with the admission code and our criteria. If Wellsway is your school of choice it is important you put us as first choice on your application form for a Year 7 place.

Please note that applications for places in Year 7 for September must be made through your 'home' local authority and will be dealt with in line with locally agreed procedures.

Appeals timetable

  • March: first round of allocations made
  • May: second round of allocations made

Year 7 appeals: if you wish to appeal for a year 7 place the deadline for submitting an appeal to 31st March 2025. For applications made in the normal admission round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals. Appeals for Year 7 places are heard from the end of June onwards. The admission appeals process is administered by the Council’s Democratic Services which ensures that it is separate from and independent of the school and the admission authority.

More information about the B&NES appeals process can be found here

Late applications

All applications must be submitted to the child’s home Local Authority (LA) by the closing date of 31 October. Under the Bath & North East Somerset LA’s secondary coordinated scheme, any parents refused a place for the new Year 7 intake may ask for their child’s name to go on the waiting list where the name will remain until the end of the academic year. Any late applicants should complete their home LA’s common application form as soon as possible.

In Year admissions

Requests for in year transfer school places are normally only considered approximately six weeks prior to a requested start date. If the place is being sought for a September admission to an existing year group, applications can be made in mid-June.

Please contact the reception team by phone or via for further details.

To apply for a school place in year, you will need to complete and return the below application form direct to the school.

In Year appeals

B&NES Democratic Services section administers appeals for Wellsway School. To make an appeal the first step is to complete the appeal form sent to you and return to the school. We will inform Democratic Services about the appeal and they will contact you directly.  The admission appeals process is administered by the Council’s Democratic Services which ensures that it is separate from and independent of the school and the admission authority.

More information about the appeals process can be found in the B&NES appeals information booklet;

FAQs on admissions

1. What policy is used to admit children to the school?

A: The admissions policy is published each year by the school; any changes having been consulted on with the Local Authority and Community. For more information please see our admission policy 2024-25 (Pdf) admission policy 2025-26 (Pdf)

2. What is your catchment area?

Wellsway School has a single area of prime responsibility (APR). We mainly serve Keynsham to the East of the River Chew, Chelwood Village, Compton Dando, Corston, Marksbury, Newton St Loe, Priston and Saltford. We also have students currently on roll from outside of this area in Keynsham, Bristol, south Gloucestershire and other regions of Bath & North East Somerset.

Map of Wellsway School's area of responsibility

Show larger version of the map

3. How does my child get a year 7 place at the school?

At the start of Year 6, you will be sent a letter about the secondary transfer process and about how to apply for a secondary school place. You apply to your home local authority by the closing date of 31 October, for a school place the next year.

4. When will I hear if my child has got a place?

On 3rd March an offer of a school place is made to parents/carers who have applied by the closing date.

By mid March, parents/carers must accept or reject the offer made by the Local Authority.

5. What if my child is not offered a place in the first round of allocations on 3rd March?

Although you may not be allocated a place at this point in the process, this does not mean that a place may not be allocated at a later date; there can be quite a lot of movement during the successive allocation rounds.

Parents/carers are asked to reply to B&NES Admissions and Transport to accept or reject the offer of a school made by mid-March.  Some may turn down the offer of a place here in favour of an alternative school. This can result in more places at the school potentially becoming available.  These places will be offered in the second round of allocations.  A second round of offer letters is sent out by B&NES Admissions and Transport in the first week of May

6. How are places at the school allocated?

According to the admissions criteria which are published in our  admission policy 2024-25 (Pdf) admission policy 2025-26 (Pdf)

7. Do I need to submit a supplementary application form direct to the school?

Only members of Wellsway School staff (both teaching and non-teaching) applying for a place for their child need to complete a supplementary application form (Pdf).

8. How many students were admitted into Year 7 previously?

  • September 2021 - 228 students
  • September 2022 - 230 students
  • September 2023 - 220 students
  • September 2024 - 226 students

Admissions to the Sixth Form 

For more information please see Futura Sixth.

Curriculum KS3, KS4 & KS5

Curriculum KS3, KS4 & KS5

Curriculum overview

As a Futura Learning Partnership School, we follow the Futura Curriculum (Pdf) that has been developed by cross-phase subject specialists and encapsulates our core values: respect, opportunity, collaboration and aspiration. This curriculum spans the 2-19 age range and has been planned to give the optimum knowledge sequence for building secure schema, with knowledge underpinning and enabling the application of skills. Progression through the curriculum is by shared age related expectations and at each phase the curriculum draws on the latest thinking and research and focuses on closing gaps, early intervention, and developing core literacy and numeracy skills for success.

Our curriculum is designed to be broad-based and balanced to inspire and support students in their progression to Post 16 education and training, then to their chosen career path or destination. We believe the curriculum has a vital role to play in preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life; to promote spiritual, moral, cultural, social, intellectual and physical development and to promote British Values, for example democracy and the rule of law.

We have a well-developed care, advice and guidance programme to support students at each point in their school career, especially around the time when options are made in Year 9 for Key Stage 4 subjects and in Year 11 for Post 16 pathways. This is enhanced by our vertical tutor group structure that allows for peer to peer support and by events such as our Year 9 Pathways Evening.

More information

Essential cross curricular learning

Cross curricular elements, including PSHE (personal social and health education), SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development), CEIAG (Careers education, information, advice and guidance) and British values, are delivered through the subject content of lessons, the tutorial programme, assemblies and discrete activities for year groups or identified groups of students.

Key Stage 3 curriculum

We believe a three year Key Stage 3 is important to allow students to fully experience a broad and balanced curriculum before they make option choices in Year 9 and begin a more personalised pathway at Key Stage 4.

In Year 7, students are divided into two groups of equal size and equally mixed ability. These two groups are then divided into smaller teaching groups and timetabled separately for lessons in the subjects listed below. 

All students are taught the core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and PE.

In addition, they are also taught the following:

  • Humanities subjects: History, Geography, Religious Studies
  • Modern Languages: French and Spanish
  • Performing Arts: Dance, Drama and Music
  • Design, Art and Technology: Product Design, Textiles, Art and Food
  • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
  • Computing (as an element of mathematics in Year 7 and 8, then as a discrete subject in Year9)

More information

Key Stage 4 curriculum

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum has been designed to ensure students have a balance of subjects that allows them to move on to their desired pathway at Post 16.

All students study English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, PE and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).  Students select a further four option subjects. Details can be found in our 'Study Pathways' guide which we publish in December on this website.  The option subjects currently offered in Years 10 and 11 are: 3D Design. (Creative Technology) Art and Design, Business, Child Development, Computing, Dance, Drama, Food, Geography, Health and Fitness, History, French, German, Music, PE, Product Design (technology), Religious Studies, Spanish and Textiles.  These courses are either GCSEs or equivalent vocational qualifications such as Cambridge National Certificates and VCERTs.

We believe homework makes an invaluable contribution to our students’ progress, and so we support them to develop good independent learning habits, either at home or in the school library and use the extremely popular Bromcon portal for setting homework and supporting students to manage deadlines.

Further information

Key Stage 5 Curriculum

Key Stage 5 presents students with the exciting opportunity to focus their learning on subjects they have chosen and to develop the skills that will propel them on to their future career paths, apprenticeships or for continued study at university. We offer students a broad range of subjects that builds on their learning from Key Stage 4, and this offer is further enhanced by our partnership with the other Sixth Form Centres in the Trust. We continually review and enhance this provision; recent course additions include criminology, law and politics amongst others.  

Most students study three A Level subjects (or equivalent) and alongside these, students take part in our tutor programme, which covers PSHE, and enrichment sessions; these sessions allow students to develop beyond their academic experiences and they help to prepare students for life outside of education.  

In addition to the study programme above, students benefit from independent study time and can utilise our dedicated Sixth Form Centre throughout the day. They can extend their experiences by taking part in the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) and programmes such as Challenge Futures - this aims to prepare students for the most competitive of courses and universities. We are proud of the support that we give all our students and the variety of opportunities on offer.

Further information

 Ability grouping

The majority of our teaching takes place in classes of mixed ability.  However, we do group students in subjects where are there are strong reasons to do so in terms of the curriculum they study.  Mathematics will group students from early in Year 7 and throughout the school.  Children in each year will be divided between a foundation and a higher band, but these groupings remain fluid until Year 11.

Year 9 Study Pathways

Core Subjects

Subjects that can be chosen

  • Art and Design (Fine Art)
  • Business (VCERT and GCSE)
  • Child Development
  • Computer Science
  • Creative Technology
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition
  • Languages (Spanish and French)
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Psychology
  • Physical Education and Fitness
  • Product Design
  • Religious Studies
  • Textiles

If you wish to find out more about the curriculum we teach at Wellsway, please email marked for the attention of the Curriculum Director for the subject you would like to find out more about.


Exam results and performance tables

Exam results and performance tables

Results for 2023

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Headline results for 2023

Key stage 4 (end of secondary school) results 

  • Attainment 8: 53.35
  • Progress 8: +0.53
  • Grade 4+ (standard pass) in English and Mathematics: 79%
  • Grade 5+ (strong pass) in English and Mathematics: 62%
  • Students achieving the English Baccalaureate at Grade 5+: 17% 
  • Percentage of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate: 26%
  • Percentage of pupils staying in education or employment after Key Stage 4: 98%

Key stage 5 (16 to 18) information

  • Average A Level grade: B
  • Average Academic subjects: B-

Headline results for 2019

Key stage 4 (end of secondary school) results 

  • Progress 8: 0.30
  • Attainment 8: 53.94
  • Grade 5+ (strong pass) in English and Mathematics: 57%
  • English Baccalaureate Average Points Score: 4.95
  • Percentage of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate: 52%

Key stage 5 (16 to 18) information

  • Progress in A levels: -0.03
  • Average A Level grade: C+
  • Average Academic subjects: C+
  • Retention rate in A level: 100%
  • Retention rate in Academic Subjects: 99%
Leadership Team

Leadership Team

Mr R Pearsall

Deputy Headteacher
Ms R Raimato

Deputy Headteacher
Mr S Hill

Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion, Safeguarding and Welfare, Pupil Experience and Personal Development)
Mr S Ive

Assistant Headteacher (Director of Curriculum: Sixth Form IKB and WWS)
Mrs A Chapman

Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour and Attitudes, Pupil Experience, Culture and Ethos)
Mr S Bailey

Further information

Curriculum Directors    

Design, Art and Technology - Miss R Davies 
English - Ms S Brooks
Humanities - Mrs A Steel
Inclusion - Miss French (SENCo)
Languages and Business - Mrs M Wharf
Maths and Computing - Miss J Prior
Physical Education and Performing Arts - Mr R Evans
Science - Miss L Fox

Heads of House

Burnett - Mr C Britton 
Compton - Miss A Spink
Newton - Mr J Tanner
Stanton - Miss H Davies

Equality objectives

Equality objectives

Statement of intent

The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to ensure protection from discrimination, harassment, and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics). For schools, this means that it is unlawful to discriminate against students or treat them less favourably because of their gender; race; disability; religion or belief; gender reassignment; sexual orientation; pregnancy or maternity.

Under the act, the school is expected to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).

This requires us to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimisation
  • Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
  • Foster good relations between different groups

As a public organisation, we are required to:

  • Have due regard to the PSED when making decisions, taking action or developing policy and practice.
  • Publish information to show compliance with the Equality Duty.
  • Publish Equality Objectives which are specific and measurable.

Our Equalities Statement is in line with national guidance and contains information about how the school complies with the Public Sector Equality Duty. We also give guidance to staff and the wider school community on our approach to promoting equality.

Our Equality Objectives reflect the school's priorities, our values and draw upon available data and other evidence. Careful scrutiny of this is undertaken in order to ensure that we are working to achieve improved outcomes for different groups.

Our equality objectives are:

  • To provide an environment that welcomes, protects, and respects diverse people.
  • To use performance data to monitor student achievement and respond to variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools. Specifically, to close the gaps in attainment and achievement between students and all groups of students; especially boys and girls, disadvantaged students, students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Looked After Children, and students from different heritage groups.
  • To raise the awareness and skills of staff to promote fairness, equality, and good relations in the context of their role.
  • To ensure that all students are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school, particularly focusing on developing leadership opportunities for all students.
  • To address cultural events through assemblies to increase student awareness and understanding of issues in different communities.
  • To eradicate the use of homophobic, sexist, racist and other discriminative language by students in the school.
  • To review the accessibility across the school for students, staff, and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching areas.

Specific tasks relating to these objectives are covered within the school improvement plan.

These are scrutinised by Governors. Specific tasks relating to these objectives can be found within the School Improvement Plan and are celebrated via the school newsletter (The Ammonite) and the school’s social media feeds (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram)

We recognise the importance of consulting with those affected by inequality in taking steps to promote equality and eliminate discrimination.

  • Student council and community action are two examples of opportunities at Wellsway for students to take a lead in promoting equality and eliminating discrimination. An example of a student-led outcome is the re-launch of the Equalities Group in term 5, 2021.
  • Consultation with parents continues to be an important part of the planning and implantation of many whole-school policies and practices.
  • Wellsway continues to work closely with outside groups and agencies, including SARI to develop student understanding and to promote equality and eliminate discrimination particularly through our PSHE and tutorial programme.
Futura Learning Partnership

Futura Learning Partnership

Wellsway School is an academy and is a Futura Learning Partnership school.

Futura Learning Partnership
Registered office: Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1PH
Tel: 0117 946 1229

Futura Learning Partnership is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07746787.

More information