Developing confident, respectful
and successful young people
Developing confident, respectful and successful young people
Parent and carer area
Wellsway School will not tolerate bullying. Every member of our school has the right to come to school without fear of being threatened, intimidated, mocked or abused. We all have a responsibility to make sure that bullying is not part of life at our school.
Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. It can take many forms, but the main types of bullying are:
Bullying can make people feel miserable and insecure. In its worst forms it can ruin people’s lives. If you see someone being bullied or know that someone is being bullied you must tell a member of staff. Not telling means that the student being bullied may continue to suffer and the aggressor may carry on, probably with other students too. People who bully need help. Wellsway School is committed to addressing this problem also.
This policy gives a clear methodology for staff to follow and the range of actions available when dealing with issues of bullying.
This policy is in place to ensure that:
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
Further information
Anti-bullying policy (Pdf)
Wellsway School expects the highest levels of attendance, and every student should aim for 100%. Full attendance is a critical factor in ensuring positive educational outcomes and that our students reach their social potential. We are committed to providing high quality inclusive learning opportunities for all students. Any problems that impede full attendance need to be identified and addressed as quickly as possible.
If a student at Wellsway School will be absent then we ask the parent or carer to contact us on each day of absence.
Tel: 0117 986 4751 Years 7-11 (option 2) and Sixth Form (option 1)
Email: for Years 7-11 and for sixth form
Full size version of the posters (Pdf)
In our experience:
‘Central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated – pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.’ (Department for Education, 2017)
Student absence request
Wellsway school can only grant leave of absence during term time for exceptional circumstances. Any request for leave must be made in writing for the attention of the Headteacher in advance. Wellsway School follows the Local Authority’s guidelines to address attendance which may include the use of statutory powers which involves the use of penalty notices and court prosecution.
Parent/carers wishing the school to consider granting leave of absence in school term time should read these notes carefully and then complete the absence request form. This form should be submitted to the school in time for the request to be considered well before the desired period of absence. Parent /carers are strongly advised not to finalise any arrangements before receiving the school’s decision on their request. In any event the request form must be received by the school at least 10 school days before the departure date to allow sufficient time for appropriate consideration.
The granting of leave of absence in school term time is, by law, a matter for consideration and decision by the school. There is no automatic right to any leave in term time. The Department for Education (DfE) and our policy is that family holidays should not be taken in school term time. Where such requests are made, for the leave to be granted, the Headteacher will decide if there are exceptional circumstances.
Each case will be considered individually and on its own merits. Parents/carers need, therefore, to consider very carefully before making any request for leave of absence the demands of the national and wider school curriculum especially around examination stages. In considering a request, the school will take account of:
For more information please see our attendance and punctuality policy.
Catering service at Wellsway
Wellsway School's catering facility, Zest, uses a cashless system. For more details please see our cashless catering information guide (Pdf, 562kb) which parents/carers and students may helpful.
School meal deal: £2.85 for paying pupils.
If your child if entitled to free school meals their cashless catering account will be topped up with £2.85 at lunchtime each day.
Zest menus include British chicken, pork, turkey, fish from a sustainable source, free range eggs and locally produced fresh vegetables, and remains committed to providing a quality service and healthy meal to your child at lunchtime.
If you have any queries regarding the provision of school meals or allergens/dietary requirements, please email us
The menus currently available are included in the links below. Please note that there is a two-weekly rotation of the menus 1, and 2. For ease, dates are provided at the top of each menu to assist you with meal planning for your child.
Allergies, intolerances and special dietary requirements
For pupils with food allergies, intolerances or special dietary requirements, parents/carers will need to complete the Zest's special dietary requirement form and provide a photo and medical evidence for us to risk assess their child's needs. Without this risk assessment we cannot safely feed any pupil. All of our school kitchens have been told not to feed anyone without having completed Zest's special dietary requirement form.
Applying for free school meals
Registering your child for free school meals (FSM) means that your child can buy food at break and/or lunch free (subject to a maximum of £2.85 per day) and that Wellsway School will also receive extra money as a result.
The Government is providing additional money to schools to help children from families who qualify for FSM. This funding is called the 'Pupil Premium'.
If your child is registered to receive FSM:
Please register to make sure that your child doesn’t miss out.
Check if you qualify:
Please see the list below to see if you qualify. Registering is quick and easy – if you think you qualify, contact the Bath & North East Somerset Free School Meals Team on 01225 394317 or e-mail: You may not even need to complete a form.
If you do want your child to have a free meal at lunch and/or break then this will save you around £400 a year and the school will also receive extra funds.
If your child is eligible for FSM but you don’t want him or her to have the meals that is fine but we would ask you to continue to apply anyway. This is so that the school still receives the Pupil Premium to which we are entitled through your child's eligibility.
Do you qualify?
You are entitled to apply to register for eligibility for FSM for your child(ren) if you are receiving one of the following benefits:
If you do register for this service the school will not share this information with anyone else. This will not affect any other benefits that you claim.
Severe weather conditions
Severe weather conditions before departure for school (if for example, there is a heavy fall of snow during the night, the following arrangements will apply)
Severe or deteriorating weather conditions during the day (i.e. after students have arrived at school)
With our students’ safety in mind we shall keep a constant check on road condition reports and weather forecasts. If conditions worsen during the day or if bus operators advise on an early departure, it would normally be our policy:
It is absolutely essential that you give your child clear instructions now for use in this kind of emergency. Make sure they have up-to-date telephone numbers and that they know how to contact you or some other responsible person. Ensure, also, that your child can get into the house in your absence.
In order to grow as a person it's important to have a range of positive interests. We all need to learn how to:
Our extra-curricular programme will help you to grow into a confident and mature young person who is ready to cope with challenge.
Typically, students have access to clubs outside of lessons in all major sports (e.g. netball, rugby, hockey, football, cricket, rounders, tennis and athletics).
We also run a varied programme of tuition and performance in music and drama.
Many subjects run clubs to promote intellectual growth and participation such as our debate club and politics.
For more information see timetable for this current academic year.
We have over a hundred students learning an instrument, or taking singing lessons, at Wellsway. Lessons take place throughout the school day on a rotating basis. We encourage all students who learn an instrument to take part in a weekly extra-curricular activity such as our orchestra, Year 7 music makers or choir. We use West of England Music Alliance (WEMA) as our provider of instrumental and singing teachers. This means that you will be directly invoiced for lessons via WEMA. Students can sign up for shared lessons or individual lessons of varying lengths. Please be aware that it is not always possible to facilitate shared lessons but we'll do our best! You can hire instruments from WEMA. If your child receives free school meals, they are entitled to free instrumental/singing lessons - simply tick the box when asked on the form, we will then confirm this is correct. Students can learn the following instruments, violin, piano, flute, clarinet, sax, trumpet, trombone, tuba, drum kit, bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar and singing lessons.
We believe that homework makes an invaluable contribution to students’ progress and should be used to reinforce or extend what is learned in school as well as to support students to develop effective independent learning habits. Students are expected to undertake homework to the best of their ability and we hope that they will feel a sense of personal satisfaction after completing tasks and from these efforts recognised and celebrated. We ask parents and carers to support us in supporting their child’s independent learning by providing a suitable space for completion of tasks and ensuring that homework is completed on time and with maximum effort.
We understand that homework is often an area of anxiety for students starting at secondary school and we try to do everything we can to help them to manage this transition.
How much homework will my child get?
Students should expect to complete one to two homework activities each school day, students will be given guidance on how much time to spend on these according to year group .
What kinds of tasks will my child be set?
We want homework to be a productive use of students’ time and, where possible, for students to enjoy completing these tasks. Students have told us that they prefer variety in the tasks set and to have choice where possible and so a wide range of tasks and projects are set, ranging from interviews and experiments to research and essay writing. Where appropriate, homework will be adapted to student need.
How will my child record their homework?
We know that the vast majority of students prefer to use online platforms to manage their learning outside the classroom – this also allows parents/ carers to support their child with organising work and managing deadlines. All homework is set using our student portal (accessible to parents on My Child At School MCAS portal) so students and parents can easily see what has been set and access any necessary resources and we thank our parents for their support in checking deadlines and helping to ensure homework is completed and deadlines met.
For those students who need extra support with organisation or for where access to the student portal is more difficult, we provide physical personal homework organisers and extra support in time management and organisation.
How will I know how to support my child with their homework?
We ask parents to check MCAS regularly to see what has been set and to have regular conversations with their children about what they are working on. We also provide a homework club after school from Monday to Thursday and our school library is open at break and lunch with access to IT facilities.
What if I have a question about the amount of time my child is spending on their homework or the homework being set?
We ask parents to send any queries via stating the nature of the query and the subject where there is a particular question. All email is directed to the relevant subject teacher for response.
Who can I talk to about worries with homework?
Parents are asked to speak to their child’s tutor for general worries and subject teachers for subject specific questions via
Access the My Child At School portal.
Wellsway School ID 12821
IKB School ID 12824
Reset password link:
A guide for parents and carers on how to access the My Child at School portal (Pdf).
Quick guide for new User Interface June 24 MCAS-Parent-App-new-UI-June-2024 (Pdf)
Access to the Student Portal
Student Portal guides: Student Guide - Logging into Bromcom (Pdf)
Student Guide - Logging into Bromcom on a Mobile Device (Pdf)
The safety of the children in our care is of paramount importance to us. We foster a culture of vigilance among staff, students and parents/carers. We always listen to children and take their concerns seriously.
The internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children's use of technology can be a challenge, especially if you feel that your children may have better technical skills than you do. However, children and young people still need support and guidance when it comes to managing their lives online and using the internet positively and safely.
Wellsway School has shown our commitment to protecting our pupils online and have worked with National Online Safety to deliver an interactive online workshop for all of our parents and carers.
The course can be taken at your own convenience and covers:
Our partnership with National Online Safety means that all parents/carers at Wellsway School can access the most up to date guides for social media apps and platforms. Click on the links below to find out more information about each app and to download our useful tips to help keep children safe:
Please see our child protection policy and anti-bullying policy for information here. about our current protocols and procedures or visit Childnet's hot topics for more detailed information on topics such as social networking, online grooming, gaming and downloading.
Online safety: key information about social media (Twitter, Facebook and other social media applications)
Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities for students to communicate with friends, family and with new friends/contacts. There are also other applications which are similar to Facebook or Twitter, such as Instagram, designed for those aged 13 plus where children can make immediate connection with contacts (friends, family, aquaintances) using computers, tablets and suitably equipped mobile telephones (e.g. smart phones and iPhones). These sites allow children to view videos, images and text and write messages and to upload their own images (photos) which can be seen by the public or by selected groups depending on the security settings your child (or you) has/have chosen.
Twitter, Facebook and other similar sites are blocked on the Wellsway internet.
Although there are many positive aspects to social media, there are important things for parents to be aware of:
If a Wellsway student is found to have made an unpleasant remark/comment about another student then they will be punished even if this has taken place outside of school. If a student makes an inappropriate or unpleasant remark about the school or a member of staff then the student will be punished for this gross lack of respect. Parents/carers will always be involved if we ever have to deal with these issues.
Here a number of useful social media sitesguides for parents and carers
Parents’ online safety helpline (Pdf, 357kb) gives parents and carers ideas to consider and useful links about gaming, bullying, live streaming, apps and instant messaging.
Online safety: what can parents do to keep their children safe?
A simple and effective way to get involved with your children and their lives online is through discussion. Consider using these conversation starters for parents and carers to get the ball rolling:
Adults can approach your children online in order to make contact with them. Sometimes these adults will pretend to be children in order to build trust. When trust has been established your child may be asked to send a picture or to speak online using a camera or other device. In the worst cases adults can pose as children and arrange to meet in public without you being aware. Adults and sometimes, other children, have been known to ask children to send indecent images (naked pictures) using Facebook, Twitter or email. To receive these images is a criminal offence for any individual and punishable in law.
We take measures to educate all students about these possibilities through our curriculum but, of course, supervising students outside of school requires parents/carers to make their own arrangements, and for children and young people to make the right choices.
Sadly, on-line predators are at work across the region attempting to lure children and young people every day of every week. One of the best way to stop this is for parents/carers to carefully monitor activities at home and to never allow children to use computers and electronic devices without appropriate supervision. Parents/carers must also ensure that all devices have appropriate security settings to make sure that children do not see things that they should not and so that they can be well protected from predatory adults.
Information on sexting and online sexual exploitation
The Lucy Faithful Foundation is the only UK-wide charity focused solely on reducing the risk of children being sexually abused and exploited and as part of their work they offer support for parents whose children have been affected by these issues.
The guide, What's the problem? is aimed at supporting parents whose children have already got into trouble online – helping them to understand what has happened, why and how parents can talk to their children and get further support.
The guide explains to parents:
Online safety: what can parents do if they have any concerns?
If you have a concern of any kind, please do not ‘wait and see’ or assume that someone else is dealing with it. Please contact the school immediately or see the sources of additional information below:
Schools across the Futura Learning Partnership use an application called School Cloud to manage parents’ and carers' evenings. This application allows users to book appointments online and conduct appointments remotely via video communication.
Each of the schools within the Futura Learning Partnership have their own School Cloud website.
Sixth form students attending classes in different schools will need to book appointments and attend video conferences using each of the schools’ websites.
Instructions and guidance
The system will work on a wide range of devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops as well as desktop computers. To make video calls, parents and carers will need to use a device with a camera, microphone and one of the following compatible web browsers:
iPhone/iPad: Safari
Android: Chrome or Firefox
Windows: Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge
Mac: Safari, Chrome or Firefox
Linux: Chrome or Firefox
Parent/Carer Evenings
Year 12/13 (1) 21st November 2024
Year 11 16th January 2025
Year 9 13th February 2025
Year 10 13th March 2025
Year 12/13 (2) 27th March 2025
Year 7 15th May 2025
Year 8 12th June 2025
Parent/Carer information evenings
General principles for student images and video recording
Student photos and video recordings may be used for identification purposes and evidencing educational development. Such data will not be shared unless the law requires us to do so, or specific consent has been provided by the parent/carer.
Videos may be taken of lessons to support staff development; these may be seen by other teachers in school for staff training.
Where video or sound recording is required as part of an exam course for moderation purposes, such as drama, dance, music and PE, consent is not required other than opting to choose to study the course.
Parents / carers are welcome to take videos and photos of their children at school events for their own personal use. However, to respect everyone’s privacy rights and in some cases protection, these images must not be published or made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on any activities involving other students in the images / footage. Websites and social media can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies. When images are posted on the internet, it is not possible to prevent others from reposting them.
Futura Schools use third party school photographers. These third parties come into school to take pictures of students (and their siblings) and pass the images back to the school. Proofs are distributed to parents/carers by the school. Parents/carers wishing to purchase images, do so by direct payment to the photographer. Schools are able to provide information on the specific photographer used in each school and direct parents/carers to their photographer’s own data protection policy.
Additional and specific consent for use by external agencies/companies may be sought.
For further information about how students’ personal information is collected and managed, please refer to the privacy notice on the trust website.
Parental consent
Parents provide consent for publication of their child’s image through the Parental Consents section of the My Child At School parent portal, or by contacting the school. Parental consent falls into two broad categories: School News/Events and Promotional Material.
Parental consent - school news and events
By consenting to ‘School News and Events’, parents/carers give consent to the following:
Parental consent - promotional material
By consenting to ‘promotional material’, parents/carers give consent to the following:
Parents/carers can withdraw consent at any time either through the Bromcom MCAS account or by contacting the school.
Many thanks to all of our parents/carers who took the time to fill in a survey form recently. We received an incredible response, with over two hundred and fifty families expressing their views, approximately one quarter of our school community.
The anonymous questionnaire was based closely on the questions which Ofsted, the body responsible for monitoring standards in schools, use to judge parental satisfaction at schools across England.
We received a positive endorsement for the culture of confidence, respect and success that lies at the core of our school. This was demonstrated by the following:
83% of our students are happy at school
85% of our parents/carers believe the school has high expectations of its students
82% would of our parents/carers would recommend us to another parent
Teaching and learning was also noted as a strength, with responses showing that:
85% notice their son or daughter is doing well at the school
91% commented there is a good range of subjects at the school
84% agree that they are kept apprised of how their son/daughter is doing
In addition to this, we were really pleased to find that satisfaction in our communication systems has continued to improve, with 91% feeling that they receive valuable information in relation to progress.
The survey has also helped us to identify areas for development. Whilst the majority of parents are either unaware of bullying incidents at Wellsway, or are satisfied with their knowledge of how we deal with them, 8% of our parents and carers voiced concerns. Likewise, 18% of our parents felt that behaviour is not always good. Other areas identified to us were that 42% of students had not taken part in extra-curricular activities, 7% felt that SEND support is not always sufficient to help their chid to succeed and 14% commented that concerns could be dealt with in a more timely manner.
As a result, we have recently reviewed and improved our behaviour systems and will continue to seek the opinions of students, parents and carers to ensure that these changes have a positive impact. The number of bullying incidents reported at Wellsway is extremely low and we therefore urge you to contact us at if you have any concerns in relation to your child or another individual. We have a new Director for our SEND team who has already begun to work on identified areas for improvement and the school is also working hard to ensure communications are regularly reviewed and concerns are dealt with promptly and appropriately.
One final area that was highlighted by a number of parents/carers was the system for on-line parents’ evenings. While there are many positives for continuing to use our on-line system, we also recognise a desire by some parents/carers to return to face-to-face meetings. As a result, we will be in touch again soon with a consultation on the future model of this crucial part of our home-school communications.
Finally it was really helpful to read the comments which some parents and carers chose to add at the end of the survey. We are particularly grateful for the many comments thanking our staff for their dedication and hard work.
“My son has been experiencing a lot of anxiety and the support from the school team has been really good.”
“My daughter is very happy at Wellsway and is doing very well in all areas. She particularly enjoys the extra-curricular activities.”
“My child feels more confident in her subjects than at the beginning of year especially after hearing teachers’ feedbacks at the parents’ evening. Her violin ability got recognised and I am happy to see her enjoy playing music in school. “
“The school have welcomed and supported my child and we are extremely pleased with her time at Wellsway.”
“All 3 of my children have been well supported at this school.”
“Sixth form is great. Great support for the kids. Good support for UCAS.”
“My daughter is very happy at Wellsway. The teachers and staff have always been very helpful. I would always recommend Wellsway school.”
Wellsway School takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children and young people in its care. The welfare and safety of the children in our care is of paramount importance to us and we foster a culture of vigilance among staff, students and parents/carers. We always listen to children and take their concerns seriously. To help us do so, we stay well informed about both national and local issues and are proud to have taken part in both national and local campaigns and training programmes to develop systems to positively promote student welfare alongside staff understanding and knowledge around key issues our young people may be facing.
Please feel free to contact Mr Steve Ive (Designated Safeguarding Lead) email: or contact the school if you have any concerns in relation to students wellbeing.
The information outlined here aims to provide parents and carers with key information, advice and guidance and includes links to outside agencies and useful reference sites.
Further guidance for parents and carers is available from our child protection and safeguarding policy or from the websites/workshops below.
School nursing service
If you would like more information on the B&NES School Nursing Service, then please click on the link below. Students can book an appointment with school nurse Fiona McGlynn through their Tutor, Learning Mentor or Head of House.
Behaviour and family mentoring
Mental health
Safeguarding newsletters
Substance misuse
Parent/carer PSHE curriculum evening
Student wellbeing evening for parents and carers 2022/23
Student wellbeing evening for parents and carers 2023/24
Further information
Admissions and transport
It is the B&NES admissions and transport team who are responsible for determining entitlement to school transport.
Tel: 01225 394312
Further details are on B&NES home to school transport
We expect all students to be on the premises for 8.40am to ensure they have time to get to lessons. Students are not permitted on the school site before 8.20am, unless they are involved in a pre-arranged, supervised activity.
More information
Wellsway School requires all students in Years 7-11 to wear uniform.
Our uniform promotes a distinctive and smart appearance both inside and outside school, identifying the wearer as a student of Wellsway School. Our uniform requirements are intended to be clear and unambiguous.
Our policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
Please note that only uniform styles specified by the school, available through our uniform stockists, are acceptable.
The school uniform supplier is Scholars, Bath Outlet Shop, 4 Terrace Walk, Bath, BA1 1LN. Tel: (01225) 462206.
More information
Learning and progress for all, regardless of need and supporting everyone.
At Wellsway our aim is for all learners will access a broad and balanced curriculum in a safe learning environment and there will be clarity of provision for them. All learners are valued, no matter what the differences are in their abilities or behaviours and every child matters.
Director of Inclusion - SENCo: Miss H French
Deputy Curriculum Director – Inclusion: Miss C Hogg
Assistant SENCo: Mrs S Razgui
We also have a team of dedicated SEND Keyworkers who support students across the curriculum
The five areas of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are:
Cognition and Learning
Social, emotional and Mental Health
Communication and Interaction
Sensory and Physical Impairments
Medical conditions which may affect learning
Students have a Special Educational Need or Disability if they need support in or have difficulty in accessing the curriculum that is in addition to or different from other students of their age. This can be a temporary or long term issue. We support students in the context of their own individual needs and in liaison with parents, carers and other professional organisations.
What does inclusion look like at Wellsway School?
We pride ourselves on catering for a wide variety of needs by using effective differentiation in the classroom. In some cases, the Inclusion team will provide extra support in class for our most vulnerable learners.
Wellsway School provides:
Swift and effective interventions for students with additional needs
Support and counselling for students suffering with anxieties, social, emotional and mental health needs and a safe space (The Haven) for those students to thrive
Key Workers for students with Educational Health Care Plans
Regular contact with parents and outside agencies to ensure the best outcomes for students
Dyslexic friendly learning environments with teachers who know how to help students with dyslexia in their learning
Support and training in SEND for all staff and a range of on-going CPD opportunities
A focus on Integration not Exclusion for students with SEND.
The Wellsway Inclusion Centre
The Wellsway Inclusion Centre is a lively hub of activity where dedicated professionals aim to support students in the very best way possible by providing:
Literacy and numeracy support in small groups
Social Skills groups to support vulnerable students
Innovative interventions to support students with social, emotional and mental health issues
A safe space that students can access during break and lunchtimes
Close links with other professionals from outside agencies
How can I talk to the Director of Inclusion (SENCO) about my son / daughter?
You can contact the Director of Inclusion (SENCO), Miss H French, by telephone or email: FAO Director of Inclusion.
How will Wellsway School support our son / daughter’s transition to and from school?
Wellsway liaises closely with the feeder primary schools. As soon as we know who is coming to us we ensure that every child is visited in their primary setting, provided they are living within reasonable distance of the B&NES / Bristol / South Gloucester areas.
Should your child require extra support for transition, this can be arranged in collaboration with the primary school.
How does Wellsway know if a student needs help?
There are various approaches that Wellsway uses to establish the needs of learners. In the majority of cases this is addressed by the class teachers who will employ a variety of teaching techniques in order to meet each student’s individual needs. We establish the level of support required for our learners through the following:
If a concern is raised by the teachers who then build evidence to demonstrate that a student requires intervention which is in addition to and different from other students of the same age group
Where student attainment and progress is significantly below expectations
There is a significant or prolonged change in behaviour
If a concern is raised by parents of a student that their child is struggling.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my son/daughter will receive?
Each student is assessed individually and a personalised package of support is put in to place, dependent on need. Meetings are held between the Director of Inclusion and parents when a need has been identified. These will then be implemented and teaching staff will be advised of a students’ need. This will also be reviewed regularly.
Additional assessments from outside agencies are used for students with complex needs. This will be done when a full and comprehensive range of support in school has been pursued.
How can I find out whether my son / daughter is dyslexic and how will s/he be supported?
Provided evidence has been submitted by your child’s subject teachers that suggest that s/he struggles with reading, writing and/or processing, we can carry out tests which indicate whether your child has dyslexic tendencies. However, we cannot provide a diagnosis of dyslexia. This can be organised by parents /carer though external organisations such as dyslexia action. Students who are dyslexic may receive targeted intervention work through small groups or access to a word processor. Coloured overlays are also available from the Inclusion Centre if a student finds this helpful for reading. Regular strategies are also discussed with staff to support students with dyslexia.
How do I know if my son / daughter requires special consideration for exams?
In exceptional circumstances, some students require access for exams such as extra time, a scribe or a word processor. Some students also require rest breaks.
In order for these access arrangements to be granted, evidence needs to be collected from subject teachers by the Inclusion team that proves that the nature of the special consideration is the student’s normal way of working. Wellsway School has to follow criteria set out by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). A learning need such as dyslexia does not automatically mean that a student is automatically entitled to access arrangements and in cases where a student does not use the arrangement provided, then it is rescinded. Further information can be found on the JCQ website.
What support will there be for my son / daughter’s wellbeing?
Your child’s tutor will be the first port of call for any issues that may arise and our tutors are well trained in offering high quality help and advice. We offer a comprehensive and supportive pastoral system with dedicated House teams who support young people through what can be a difficult time in their lives such as the transition from childhood to adulthood and the pressures that that will bring. Student Support is positioned in the centre of the school and the Head of House and Learning Mentors can be found there along side our Attendance Improvement Officer, the School Nurse and our voluntary counsellors. For students with complex emotional needs we have The Haven which is run by our SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) manager who offers therapeutic help and advice.
What if my son / daughter has a medical condition?
Our Student Welfare Officer can support with medical conditions in school. We will ask that you contribute to an individual health care plan for your child outlining their medical needs.
You can contact our School Health Nurse to discuss any medical conditions or queries you may have prior to them starting at Wellsway. Please contact:
Students with a disability or who are taking regular medication during the school day will have a Health Care Plan that is overseen by the school nurse.
Students who are struggling to access school due to illness may need a Medical Action Plan. This is created by our Attendance Improvement Officer in liaison with parents, medical professionals and a member of your child’s House team.
What do I do if I have a concern or a complaint relating to the SEND support provided for my child?
Where a parent of a child with SEND has concerns about the provision or support for their child, we would hope to be able to answer and resolve any issues quickly to support the progress and welfare of the student. In the first instance, any concerns should be directed to our Director of Inclusion & SENCo, Miss H French. In the unfortunate and rare case that these concerns cannot be resolved and a parent remains dissatisfied with the outcome or support, they should follow the complaint procedure as outlined on the school website.
More information
TERM DATES 2024-25
Term 1
Inset days: Monday 2, Tuesday 3 September 2024
Starts: Year 7 and 12 only - Wednesday 4 September 2024
All year groups: Thursday 5 September 2024
Ends: Friday 25 October 2024
Term 2:
Starts: Monday 4 November 2024
Inset day: Friday 29th November 2024
Ends: Friday 20 December 2024 - early closure
Term 3
Starts: Monday 6 January 2025
Ends: Thursday 13 February 2025
Inset day: Friday 14 February 2025
Term 4
Starts: Monday 24 February 2025
Ends: Friday 4 April 2025
Term 5
Starts: Tuesday 22 April 2025
Ends: Friday 23 May 2025
Term 6
Starts: Monday 2 June 2025
Inset day: Friday 20 June 2025
Inset day: Friday 4th July 2025
Inset day: Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 July 2025
Ends: Friday 18 July 2025
Printer friendly version of the term dates 2024-2025 (Pdf)
TERM DATES 2025-26
Term 1
Inset days: Monday 1, Tuesday 2 September 2025
Starts: Year 7 and 12 only* - Wednesday 3 September 2025
All year groups: Thursday 4 September 2025
Ends: Friday 24 October 2025
Term 2:
Starts: Monday 3 November 2025
Inset day: Friday 28th November 2025
Ends: Friday 19 December 2025 - early closure
Term 3
Starts: Monday 5 January 2026
Ends: Thursday 12 February 2026
Inset day: Friday 13 February 2026
Term 4
Starts: Monday 23 February 2026
Inset day: Monday 16th March 2026
Ends: Thursday 2 April 2026
Term 5
Starts: Monday 20 April 2026
Ends: Friday 22 May 2026
Term 6
Starts: Monday 1 June 2026
Inset day: Monay 29 June 2026
Ends: Friday 17 July 2026 - early closure
Inset day: Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 July 2026
Printer friendly version of the term dates 2025-2026 (Pdf)
Year 6 to 7 transition information
8 Things I'd wish I'd known before starting Secondary School:
Celebrity Tips for starting Secondary School:
Myths about Secondary School:
Parental survival guide:
Uniform information
Wellsway School requires all students in Years 7-11 to wear uniform.
Our uniform promotes a distinctive and smart appearance both inside and outside school, identifying the wearer as a student of Wellsway School. Our uniform requirements are intended to be clear and unambiguous.
Our policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
Please note that only uniform styles specified by the school, available through our uniform stockists, are acceptable.
The school uniform supplier is Scholars, Bath Outlet Shop, 4 Terrace Walk, Bath, BA1 1LN. Tel: (01225) 462206.
We are an organisation of parents and teachers working hard to raise money for Wellsway School. We meet every second Wednesday of the school term in the evening at 7pm.
Over the years we've bought all sorts of things to improve the school environment including: bird-watching cameras; library furniture; digital projectors; a smoke machine; and keyboards for the Music Department to name just a few!
We run a variety of events including used uniform sales and the annual Wellsway Artisan Craft Fair in November:
We are always looking for new members to give a little time or lend their expertise; so if you are interested in joining us, please send us a message at or via Facebook:
We’d love to hear from you!
Friends of Wellsway PTA